We adopt the best industry practices in all our operations

At MKH, we guided by the best industry practices in our business operations to produce and deliver quality products to our customers, while also being cognisant of the economy, environment, and social aspects of our communities.

Guided by the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we look beyond our business industries to contribute positively in all aspects that benefit the society.

We adopt the best industry practices in all our operations

At MKH, we are guided by the best industry practices in our business operations to produce and deliver quality products to our customers, while also being cognisant of the economy, environment, and social aspects of our communities.

Guided by the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we look beyond our business industries to contribute positively in all aspects that benefit the society.


With more than 40 years in the property industry, the Group actively engage with various chamber associations and professional groups to gain the latest insight on industries which are relevant to our business operations.

Our adaption of Industrialised Building System (IBS) in property development accentuates our expertise in creating values for our home buyers through the building of affordable yet quality housing. Our Property Development and Construction Division has developed a wide range of successful property products to include integrated townships, and transit-oriented developments (TOD) that caters to various market demands.

In recognising the importance of innovation in value creation for our businesses, our plantation continues to expand on using mechanical-assisted collection of FFB and software apps to ensure efficient FFB evacuation from field to mill. As a benchmark of all our property developments, MKH engages certified architects, engineers, and contractors for its property projects through strict tender process and constantly monitor construction progress to ensure compliance to CIDB QLASSIC standards.


In our journey of generating and delivering value for our stakeholders, our Property Development and Construction Division incorporates a sustainable approach and focuses on the innovative concept and design which aim to reduce energy consumption in our residential development.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we adhere to the local industry’s policies such as zero-burning, and dedicate a minimum 10% of our project areas for landscape development. In addition to incorporating and innovating modern designs to suit modern preferences, our developments are also designed and constructed in the north-south orientation to create naturally cooling dwellings as our staple signature.

Effluents from our crude palm oil mill are treated using anaerobic, aerobic and facultative ponding system, and subsequently used as natural soil fertiliser. Organic wastes such as fruit skins and food wastes are periodically collected and naturally processed into composts that are applied in the landscape of our property developments.

In support to reduce carbon-footprints and encourage public transportation ridership, MKH has been developing TOD projects that are connected or well-within walking distance to public transit points.


As a responsible corporate citizen, MKH aspires to foster a stable relationship while creating value for our key stakeholders, comprising customers, shareholders, regulators, and the greater community within the environment where our business operate in.

We progressively innovate to create a fully integrated work culture that empowers our employees through mutual respect, and values diversity in all race, religion and gender. In addition to ensuring a safe work environment, we ensure fair compensation in appreciation for their efforts and dedication, and provide equal opportunities for personal as well as career advancement within the Group. Employees who are passionate about making a difference in the community are also encouraged to participate in social visitations with the underprivileged communities via the MKH employee volunteer programme.

In Indonesia, we are active members of the local Plasma Programme, where we provide job opportunities to the local community to allow them to have better quality of living. Since our establishment of the plantation division in 2008, we continue to play our part in upgrading essential facilities built for the benefit of more than 10,000 community members within our oil palm plantation to-date.


With more than 40 years in the property industry, the Group actively engage with various chamber associations and professional groups to gain the latest insight on industries which are relevant to our business operations.

Our adaption of Industrialised Building System (IBS) in property development accentuates our expertise in creating values for our home buyers through the building of affordable yet quality housing. Our Property Development and Construction Division has developed a wide range of successful property products to include integrated townships, and transit-oriented developments (TOD) that caters to various market demands.

In recognising the importance of innovation in value creation for our businesses, our plantation continues to expand on using mechanical-assisted collection of FFB and software apps to ensure efficient FFB evacuation from field to mill. As a benchmark of all our property developments, MKH engages certified architects, engineers, and contractors for its property projects through strict tender process and constantly monitor construction progress to ensure compliance to CIDB QLASSIC standards.


In our journey of generating and delivering value for our stakeholders, our Property Development and Construction Division incorporates a sustainable approach and focuses on the innovative concept and design which aim to reduce energy consumption in our residential development.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we adhere to the local industry’s policies such as zero-burning, and dedicate a minimum 10% of our project areas for landscape development. In addition to incorporating and innovating modern designs to suit modern preferences, our developments are also designed and built in the north-south orientation to create naturally cooling dwellings as our staple signature.

Effluents from our crude palm oil mill are treated using anaerobic, aerobic and facultative ponding system, and subsequently used as natural soil fertiliser. Organic wastes such as fruit skins and food wastes are periodically collected and naturally processed into composts that are applied in the landscape of our property developments.

In support to reduce carbon-footprints and encourage public transportation ridership, MKH has been developing TOD projects that are connected or well-within walking distance to public transit points.


As a responsible corporate citizen, MKH aspires to foster a stable relationship while creating value for our key stakeholders, comprising customers, shareholders, regulators, and the greater community within the environment where our business operate in.

We progressively innovate to create a fully integrated work culture that empowers our employees through mutual respect, and values diversity in all race, religion and gender. In addition to ensuring a safe work environment, we ensure fair compensation in appreciation for their efforts and dedication, and provide equal opportunities for personal as well as career advancement within the Group. Employees who are passionate about making a difference in the community are also encouraged to participate in social visitations with the underprivileged communities via the MKH employee volunteer programme

In Indonesia, we are active members of the local Plasma Programme, where we provide job opportunities to the local community to allow them to have better quality of living. Since our establishment of the plantation division in 2008, we continue to play our part in upgrading essential facilities built for the benefit of more than 10,000 community members within our oil palm plantation to-date.



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